ABOUT PSYCHOTHERAPYPsychotherapy is a method of treating various diseases and psychological problems. The patient determines the problem that he or she wants to work with, which is the goal of psychotherapy, and takes responsibility for his/ her own involvement in therapy. The therapist uses purposeful activities to support and stimulate the patient's pursuit of the goal. This is done by utilizing everything that the patient brings, and also with the use of humor, paradox, and many techniques such as parables and metaphors. The Polish Milton Erickson Institute offers help of professionals. Our team consists of experienced psychotherapists. We lead therapy sessions at the Institute in Łódź, Poznań or Katowice and cooperate with therapists in Poland. Duration of treatment depends on goals, patient's expectations and approach used by the therapist. One therapy session lasts about 50 minutes. Individual therapy meetings are usually held once a week. Sessions of family therapy or couples therapy are held less frequently, i.e. every two weeks.
In order to schedule an appointment, please contact us via email: info@p-i-e.pl. |
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Na terapię można umawiać się:
- telefonicznie 42 688 48 60 od poniedziałku do piątku 9:00 - 15:00
- mailowo info@p-i-e.pl.
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Nauczyciele psychoterapii PIE regularnie nagrywają profilaktyczne sesje terapetyczne pod wspólną nazwą “Chwile wytchnienia”. Sesje odnotowały ponad 74 tys. odsłon na kanale PIE “Psychoterapia i hipnoza” na You Tube.